Welcome 2013, New Beginnings, and New Health!!

January 3, 2012: We bet you have a resolution or two for the New Year?  We also bet for many of you it possibly includes a resolution to get in shape, and or maybe shed a pound or two, or ten, or?


Whatever your health and weight loss goals are this year, acupuncture definitely can help!  One of the most popular questions we receive as acupuncturists is “Can acupuncture really help me lose weight?”  This causes us to pause and answer this question very honestly and simply with a “Yes it will curb your cravings, boost your energy (Qi) and give you more focus and desire to exercise and eat healthier foods”.


Eating healthier and exercising are the two daily lifestyle changes a patient must be willing to be committed to keep weight off, period.  It’s not a complicated system, there is no magic pill for weight loss, and anyone that promises you there is, run for the hills, since it will most likely hurt your health in the long run.


We know it can be a frustrating process to stick to alone especially when you are not seeing results or feeling very motivated.  The beauty about Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is that it allows the practitioner to influence the body with acupuncture and herbs to bring the body into balance, by boosting metabolism, decreasing stress and anxiety, and giving you the energy and focus to get out there and eat well and move your tush.


Depending on the individual diagnosis and treatment plan, the typical acupuncture treatment for weight loss will mostly be aimed at improving your digestion, draining damp, and resolving phlegm (the Spleen organ in TCM),  and regulating the endocrine and water/fluid system ( the Kidney organ in TCM).  Every person is different and various points will be used to address signs and symptoms unique to each patient, to improve their overall sense of well being, and emotional state.  Outside of treating the Zang-Fu organ system for weight management, the acupuncturist will most likely add in a few clever and handy auricular points referred to as Shen Men, Sympathetic, and Appetite Control to assist in decreasing those sabotaging salty and sweet cravings, stopping you from overeating.  Yes, acupuncture can do just that.  And guess what?  When you are feeling better, have more energy, and feeling less stress and anxiety in your everyday life, you are more than likely going to be able to make better long term health affirming lifestyle choices for yourself.  This will aid you in your weight loss goals, it is that simple.


So next time you are tempted around New Year’s to go purchase that trendy new expensive piece of exercise equipment, flashy weight loss pill full of empty promises or jump on the train of whatever new outlandish Brazilian berry weight loss program being advertised, take a pass on it and call an acupuncturist.  Do something good for yourself this year and get healthy with an ancient, safe healing system of medicine that has zero side effects.  TCM and acupuncture if you are committed will change your health and life in the long run.


Start your journey today and call to make an appointment to see an acupuncturist at Blue Serenity Acupuncture, one of Phoenix, Arizona’s top acupuncture clinics.